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If your garment is in stock, Living Silk will dispatch your parcel within 2 business days of receipt of your order. If we need to make your order, we will be in touch via email to ensure a suitable delivery time.
Once your order is dispatched, we’ll email you the Australia Post tracking number. Within Australia, delivery time is usually within 2, perhaps 3 business days at the most.
For orders under $200, postage is a flat fee of $10. For orders over $200, postage is a flat fee of $20. The postage is included automatically at the checkout.
We ship overseas daily via Fedex. Once your order is dispatched, we'll email you the Fedex tracking number. Fedex shipping times are within 4 - 5 business days worldwide and the shipping fee is a flat rate of USD 20 (or the equivalent amount in your local currency) which is included automatically at the checkout.
If we need to make your order, we will be in touch via email to ensure a suitable delivery time.
As always, if you have any queries, please email - we are here to help you.
We understand that purchasing garments online can be a little difficult - that's why we offer a full 14 day refund policy for all online purchases.
Please send your garment and original sales receipt to:
For customers within Australia:
82 Latrobe Terrace
Brisbane 4064
Queensland Australia.
For USA and Canada based customers:
Olivia Russell
Living Silk
1321 Upland Dr.
PMB: 9008
Houston, TX 77043
Please send via via DHL Express or Fedex only. Please do not send via USPS.
For UK based customers:
Olivia Russell
275 New North Road
Islington Suite 1482
London, N1 7AA
United Kingdom
The returned garment/s must be in the same condition as when it was quality-reviewed and dispatched by Living Silk. We do not accept returns on items that appear to have been worn, used or damaged in any way. Living Silk does not accept refunds or exchanges on accessories, including jewellery, clutches and soft silk shawls.